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Contact: UCN
204.627.8601 trainingsolutions@ucn.ca

Career Training Programs from University College of the North


University College of the North (UCN), in partnership with ed2go, offers online open enrollment programs designed to provide the skills necessary to acquire professional level positions for many in-demand occupations.

Our programs are designed by a team of professionals from each respective field, providing you with effective web-based learning programs. Instructors/mentors are actively involved in your online learning experience, responding to any questions or concerns, as well as encouraging and motivating you to succeed.
Our online courses are affordable, convenient, and geared just for you. Join us for these exciting Career Training opportunities! 


Choose from one of two online training streams:

  1. Career Training programs-browse our programs below. Learn new skills and prepare for industry-recognized certifications.

  2.  Professional Development courses- Learn new skills. These shorter courses can be found at https://www.ed2go.com/ucn/


Registration and Payment Information

Once you have selected a course from one of our Career Training Programs below, click the "LEARN MORE”  button, then the “REQUEST INFO” button to begin the registration process. Complete the Request form, and an Ed2Go|Cengage Learning advisor will be in touch with you either by phone or email. They will then forward your information onto a UCN representative that will follow up with you during regular business hours Monday to Friday 8:30 am - 4:30 pm CDT to finalize your registration and payment .**Students will be requested to complete a UCN course registration form and provide payment details to UCN prior to the start of the program. Students will also be requested to complete an Ed2Go Student Enrolment Agreement.

5% GST has been added to the price of all courses.

Note: all courses are non-credit. There is no course transferability into UCN programs. Students will receive an Education to Go (School of Continuing Education) Certificate of Completion.

Your personal information will be used by Ed2Go and University College of the North for admission and registration purposes.  It is collected under the general authority of the UCN Act, and is protected by the Manitoba Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA).


Further information please email trainingsolutions@ucn.ca

University College of the North

436 - 7th Street East, Box 3000
The Pas, MB R9A - 1M7 CA

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