Training Programs Operations Professional Grant Writing

Professional Grant Writing

This course is designed to provide you with the skills to become a professional grant writer while also preparing you for the Grant Professional Certified (GPC) exam.

$2,295.00 (USD)

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Ready to develop the skills and strategies you need to become an integral part of one of the world's fastest-growing professional certification sectors—grant writing? In the Professional Grant Writing course, you will further the ideals and goals of your career track by learning about the required competencies that can lead to an internationally recognized certification by one of the leading grant professional associations. Did you know that there's more to writing grants than finding funding and writing grant proposals? Grant professionals must also learn how to delve into supporting organizational development for grant applicants, coach them in communicating with potential funders, assist with internal and external collaborations with a successful mix of partners, and magically spin-out program design language.

In this course, you will become proficient in the proposal and case statement formats used by foundations and government grantmaking agencies. Throughout the course, you will learn about the certification process for grant professionals and write different elements of a complete grant application, culminating in a case statement for your capstone assignment with expert instructor feedback on each element. From grant funding trends to matching your course project to the right funding sources, you will be confident in differentiating yourself from a grant writer to a grant professional!

You will also be prepared for the Grant Professional Certified (GPC) exam offered by the Grant Professionals Certification Institute (GPCI), which has minimum requirements of education and grant experience based on the level of education obtained. This course has been accepted in GPCI's (Grant Professionals Certification Institute) Accepted Education Program.


What you will learn

  • How a certification enhances professionalism and opportunities for grant writers
  • The skills needed to be a professional grant writer
  • Ways current trends can impact the distribution of funds in the private and public sectors
  • How to match grant funders and fundable programs
  • Organizational missions, cultures, and norms, and how they impact grant readiness
  • Best practices to create a logic model showing interrelationships among elements of project design
  • An evaluation plan using community resources and cultural competencies
  • Prepare a grant budget with appropriate costs, cash, in-kind or leveraged matches
  • Describe the grant writer's role in post-award grant management and transition

How you will benefit

  • Communicate effectively with grant funders for relationship cultivation
  • Submit a grant proposal
  • Write a persuasive case statement
  • Use a professional code of ethics to guide decisions and conduct




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Our highly knowledgeable Enrollment Specialists will answer any questions you might have about the course and payment options.





You've got questions.
We're here to help.

Our highly knowledgeable Enrollment Specialists will answer any questions you might have about the course and payment options.

University of South Carolina Union

401 East Main Street
Union, SC 29379 US

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